Thursday, July 13, 2006

Has it really been a month?

I suppose I’ve abandoned my blog for the past few weeks. I’ve been busy with the typical and not so typical summer things. I’ve become, by some sort of fate, the wedding planner for a V-E-R-Y low budget event that will be held on Saturday. It will turn out okay if the bride-to-be does not stress out too much.

On a thrifty note, I thought I would share with you something that I did recently that was NOT thrifty. In today’s world, with gas prices skyrocketing over $3 per gallon, driving has to be limited. On Tuesday, while driving home (we live out of the city), I stopped at Kinko’s for work. This meant that I took a different route home, one that I’m not as familiar with. This drive is down a major interstate heading out of the city. I found out that the exits are pretty scarce once the city is behind you.

A older person driving a very new RV decided to cut me off. I had to swerve to keep from hitting him and in doing so, I missed my exit. The next exit was 11.5 miles away. I had to drive 23 miles round trip just to get back to my starting point. Believe me, in the future I will be paying more attention to the highway.

In other news, I’m trying to lose a few pounds. Who am I kidding, I’m trying to lose quite a few pounds! In an effort to tone up, I’ve been walking. That is, when it is not 110 degrees outside! Hopefully soon I will be able to find some ways to exercise at home where I have glorious air conditioning!!

1 comment:

Katy said...

It wasn't you, it was the other goober of driver!