Monday, April 09, 2012

Monday Monday

Today was a holiday for my nephews (they attend online school at my house) so we all had a lazy day.  Jeremy was home & had some time to play games & just relax. We ate leftovers from Sunday's big dinner all day.  I think I'm sick of ham for a while - good thing I froze much of the left overs!

I am looking for more blogs to follow.  I'm interested in the frugal, hippie, homesteading, crunchy granola, & crafting blogs.  Bonus for ones that combine some of my "loves".  If you have any suggestions, please leave them here.


Live and Learn said...

I have a friend that has a blog called Intermittent Farm Report ( You might enjoy her blog. She is a homesteader, raises goats, and makes furniture. Right now she has 17 new goat kids she's taking care of so she can't post as often. Also, you may find a couple of other blogs through hers about homesteading.

My blog deals with everyday observations around me, but I'm not a homesteader. However, you can take a look and you may mind find some things that interest you.

Kali said...

Thanks for commenting. I will check out both blogs. :)