Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Fall Cleaning Schedule

For people with a chronic illness, cleaning is not always easy. Add a procrastinating perfectionist into the mix and well, you get someone who gets easily frustrated with the cleaning and will put off the duties.

I work part time, from home, allowing me to keep my health in check. However, I will often let days or even weeks go by without doing any housework (because of pain) and before I know it, I am overwhelmed. In order to get myself into some sort of a routine, I have begun my "Fall Cleaning Schedule". The goal is to work on one room per day and the next day move on to the next room. I will circle through the house this way and eventually, I will just have a minor dust and vacuum in the rooms each day (in theory).

Days will be not be labeled Monday, Tuesday...Etc because some days I won't feel like doing anything. This is OKAY. I will just pick up where I left off the next day. It may take me 9 days to get the first pass done through the house and that is also okay. I won't beat myself up over this or feel that I am a failure.

Yesterday I started with the master bedroom. It is now nice and tidy, dusted and vacuumed. It isn't perfect but it is very nice. Next time I will delve into more of the sorting and organizing in the room.

Today is the master bathroom. I'm half way finished. I will try to complete the basic cleaning in there today and will move to organization next week.

I'm happy with this plan. I think my husband approves as well. He was happy to see the top of his dresser again!

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