Friday, March 30, 2012

Frugal Hippie

I've jumped on the homemade bandwagon. I've started making detergent, fabric softener, dishwasher detergent & deodorant. So far, all are working well for us, except for the deodorant - I had a nasty allergic reaction. I'm thinking of trying again with less tea tree oil.

These items not only save money but by making and using them, I continue my frugal focus. I use them daily and can really see the savings adding up.

An added bonus is that I know what is going into most of my homemade products.

One thing I want to work on is my "What's For Dinner" segments. Lately at my house food has been expensive. My friend & her two teenage sons eat with me most nights. The boys don't like beans & that tosses out half of the frugal meals. I want to get back to focusing on where my money gets spent.

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